Our third tip is all about people.
Your customers have to look after their teams, as much as their customers (as we all do!)
#3 – It’s all about your customers workforce.
Staff appreciation day should be every day. Appreciated staff go above and beyond what is expected. And there are lots of statistics proving increased productivity when staff feel valued. A tube of biscuits or sweets is a low value and highly rewarding way to engage with staff.
A connected team is a successful team, whether that be a sales, production, logistics or finance team, when you have a positive team spirit, more work gets done.
Gift a break, gift A Totally Tubes tin of tea and biscuits!
Why is a Totally Tube gift great for this? Us Brits love a natter and a brew so popping some biscuits and teabags in to a tin made total sense to us!
Our tea and biscuit tins are really popular for HR initiatives like Wellbeing at work, Mental Health Awareness campaigns or for remote team building on zoom calls. For marketing teams, they are great for virtual events, round tables or sales and marketing meetings.
The Totally Tubes team have a wealth of experience dunking biscuits. Give us a call, we only bite biscuits and happy to chat anytime 03300 55 55 10